Ahle Bayt Repo


Narrations attributing to Allah (s) groins '(God forbid)

Hadith No: 1

The Prophet (sawa) said, "Allah created His creation, and when He had finished it, the womb, got up and saught refuge in Allah whereupon Allah said, "What is the matter?' On that, it said, 'I seek refuge with you from those who sever the ties of Kith and kin.' On that Allah said, 'Will you be satisfied if I bestow My favors on him who keeps your ties, and withhold My favors from him who severs your ties?' On that it said, 'Yes, O my Lord!' Then Allah said, 'That is for you.' " Abu Huraira added: If you wish, you can recite: "Would you then if you were given the authority. do mischief in the land and sever your ties of kinship. (47. 22)

Reference: Saheeh al-Bukhari Book 65 Tradition No. 351