Ahle Bayt Repo


In the books of Ibn Majah

Hadith No: 1

116 - Narrated to us Ali ibn Muhammad narrated to us: Abul Husain informed me: Hammad ibn Salmah from Ali ibn Zaid ibn Judaan from Adi ibn Thabit from al-Bara'a ibn Azib he said: "We returned with the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) from his Hajj that he had performed, and we stopped at some point on the road. He commanded that prayer should be performed in congregation, then he took the hand of Ali (as) and said: 'Am I not having authority upon the believers than their own selves?' They said: 'Yes indeed.' He said: 'Am I not having authority upon every believer than his own self?' They said: 'Yes indeed.' He (s) said: 'This man is the master of those whose master I am.' O Allah, take as friends those who take him as a master, and take as enemies those who take him as an enemy.'"

Reference: Sunan Ibn Maajah Book 1 Tradition No. 116