Ahle Bayt Repo


One who was born in holy kaba

Hadith No: 1

Ali ibn al Husain (a.s.) said: I was siting with my father and we were visiting the Grave of our Jadd (Grandfather) and there were many ladies from them one lady came forward, I asked here: who are you May Allah have mercy on you. She replied: 

I am Zaydah binte Qareebah from Bani Ajlaan from bani saaedah. I asked her: Do you have anything to say to us (share with us)?

She replied: Yes By Allah. My mother Ummo Emarah binte Ebadah ibne Nazlah bin Malik bin Ajlaan al saeedi told me: one day she was with women of arabs at that time Abu Talib came distressed and sad. I asked, What happened to you Aba Talib?

He said: Surey Fatema binte Asad is in labor pain then he put his hand on his face and we were in such condition at that time Mohammad (s.a.w.w.) came and he said to him: What has happened to you o Uncle!

He replied: Surely Fatema binte Asad is complaining (due to pain – moans)

Then he (s.a.w.) hold his (abu talib) hand and he hold her (Fatema bint Asad) hand and he came and she was with her then he took her toward Ka’ba and she make him sit in ka’ba then he said: Sit with the (help of) Name of Allah. فطلقت طلقة  ........ Then she gave birth to a blissful, pure, cute boy, I have never seen such a beautiful face. Then Abu Talib named him Ali. and Nabi (s.a.w.) carried him till he came to her home.

Ali ibne Husain Said: By Allah, I have never heard anything which is better than this.

Reference: Manaqebo Ameeril Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib Book 1 Page 26 Tradition No. 3
Hadith No: 2

He (a) was born in Makkah inside the Holy Ka'bah as per a view, on Friday, the 13th of Rajab al-Haram, 30 years from the 'Year of the Elephant', 23 years before Migration (Hijrah) and as per another view 25 years; and 12 years before proclamation of Prophethood and 10 years as per another view; and none except him was born in the Holy Ka'bah before him.

Reference: Noor al-Absaar Page 156