Hadith No: 1
Ibn al-Damishqi - Jawahir al-Mataliib fi MANAQIB al-Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him)
Volume: (1) - Page Number: (73)
[The text is lengthy, so only the relevant excerpt is provided here]
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And when Allah revealed this verse to the Messenger of Allah: {Indeed, Allah only intends to remove the impurity from you, O People of the Prophet's House, and to make you pure and spotless} (Surah Al-Ahzab 33:33),
the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his holy progeny) called Fatimah, Ali, al-Hasan, and al-Husayn and said: O Allah, these are the People of my House; so remove the impurity from them and make them pure and spotless.