Ahle Bayt Repo


Amr ibne ma'di karb

Hadith No: 1
Ibn Sa'd - al-Tabaqat al-Kubra - 'Amr ibn Ma'di Karb ibn Abd Allah ibn 'Amr ibn Asim ...
Volume: (1) - Page Number: (757)

355 - Muhammad ibn Umar narrated to us, saying: Bakir ibn Musmar informed me, from Ziyad, the freedman of Sa'd, who said: I heard Sa'd say, as it reached him, that 'Amr ibn Ma'di Karb had fallen into wine and that he was now deluded. Sa'd responded: "He had a commendable stance; he was formidable and incredibly effective against the enemy on the day of Qadisiyyah." It was said to him, "Was it Qais ibn Makshuh?" He replied: "This one was more willing to risk himself than Qais, although Qais is indeed brave."

Reference: Al-Tabaqaat al-Kubra Book 1
Hadith No: 2
Al-Bahuti - Kashaf al-Qina' an Matn al-Iqna'
Book on Hudud - Chapter on the Limit of Intoxicants
Volume: (6) - Page Number: (116)
[The text is lengthy, so only the relevant excerpt is provided here]
- Intoxication is the mixture of reason, al-Jawhari said: "The intoxicated person (sakran) is the opposite of the sober (sahih), and the plural is sakra and sakarai," with both a rounded and open 's' (sin). A woman is referred to as sakran, and the dialect of Banu Asad uses sukraan. Al-Muskir is a noun of the active voice (ism fa'il) from 'askar al-sharab' if it causes its possessor to become intoxicated (sakran) or if there is a force within it that can do that, and this is unanimously considered unlawful (haram). What has been reported from Qudamah ibn Mu'adhun, Amr ibn Ma'adi Karb, and Ibn Jundal ibn Suhayl stating that it is permissible (halal) is to be regarded as retracted.

Reference: Kashhaf al Qenaa an Matan al Iqnaa Book 6