Ahle Bayt Repo


Imam Ali (peace be on him) sitting on the lap of Aisha

Hadith No: 1
Allamah Majlisi - Bahar al-Anwar
Volume: (37) - Page Number: (336)
75 - What: A group narrated from Abi al-Mafdal, from Muhammad ibn Ja'far al-Razzaz, from Muhammad ibn Isa al-Qaisi, from Ishaq ibn Yazid al-Te'i, from Abdul Ghafar ibn al-Qasim, from Abdullah ibn Sharik, from Junadb ibn Abdullah al-Bajjali, from Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) who said: I entered upon the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his holy progeny) before the veil was struck, and he was in the house of Aisha. I sat between him and her, and she said: O son of Abi Talib, did you not find a place for your foot other than my thigh? Remove it from me. So the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his holy progeny) struck between her shoulders and then said to her: Woe to you! What do you want from the Commander of the Faithful, the Master of Muslims, and the Leader of those with white-tipped hands?
Reason for the weakness of the narration: Abi al-Mafdal al-Shaybani.

Reference: Behaar al-Anwaar Book 37